App Frota Legal

Did you know that traffic in Brazil causes more than 50,000 deaths a year? Accidents and lack of fleet management by companies lead to immense financial losses in addition to their irreparable social and ecological consequences. A lot is spent and little invested in security and management. Frota Legal offers cost reduction and ensures compliance with legal road safety requirements and tools that can help manage companies that rent, offer or own a fleet of vehicles. • Legal Fleet app for smartphones, which allows vehicle safety inspections to be carried out and allows drivers to see their status in the system; Track the status of vans when they are active and released. Carrier management module by controlling the necessary documents for the customer. Specific module of the Legal Fleet for the management of driver behavior by consolidating various events and allowing their classification into safety risk zones. Archive SHA1: 037f4e3fcd171286b64ed0ca784b6ec730ba03e7 Consolidation and management of driver and vehicle data and incidents; The driver`s medical records can record telemetry and imaging (fatigue) events through integrations between the legal fleet and these systems, as well as other events such as fines, CNH scores, accidents, customer complaints, and other customer specifications. Customizable tools to standardize your business processes with a focus on security. Archive SHA1: 49639ae083019c5d2b284d1d63bd43194a4db1cf Integration with telemetry/image technologies and operating systems; • Customized dashboards that can be configured according to customer needs via the Legal Fleet platform. Archive SHA1: 8c46d0ef80afa7fc045815defcd805BD62c70586 • Thanks to the medical record of the device, it is possible to verify the inspections carried out and determine which employee carried out the inspection; Archive SHA1: 1ed1411343db561771ea8f37deedc0e67d59d46e • When the device is released for use or locked; The driver is divided into a risk margin from the events and weights defined with the customer, which allows the recording of corrective actions and the respective transactions associated with his behavior. Archivo SHA1: 99fafe1d94be0da1e3bdc18a53a2ea701644aea5 Archivo SHA1: 2bf9740fe4166d5202af9c3bc3d5fbbf5ae1d7f0 • Integration with the leading telemetry and imaging systems on the market that allow the recording of events in the driver card; • Easy integration with customer operating systems, allowing the transition of vehicle and driver status information; Mapping, recording and management of behavioral events with security implications (CNH, fines, customer complaints, etc.) Dashboards and management reports that enable critical analysis, process improvements, and the identification and management of nonconformities. Application for driver and vehicle management with a focus on safety and cost reduction.

Consolidation and management of driver and vehicle data and incidents; Registration, safety inspection and management of vehicle and equipment documentation. Dashboards and management reports that enable critical analysis, process improvements, and the identification and management of nonconformities. Registration, safety inspection and management of vehicle and equipment documentation. • Check the status of the devices if they are blocked or released. • Monitor the validity of the documentation required for the device; With the medical file of the carrier, it is possible to consult the documents requested by the customer, when all the necessary documents have been provided, and to check the validity of these documents. Legal Fleet Module for equipment/ vehicle management, through inspections carried out and documentation required for each type of equipment. Customizable tools and reports for the customer. It is also possible for the customer to block carriers that are non-conformist.

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