Subject Verb Agreement Examples 4Th Grade

Subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of English grammar. It refers to the relationship between the subject and the verb in a sentence. In simplified terms, the subject must agree with the verb in number, meaning that a singular subject would have a singular verb, and a plural subject would have a plural verb. Subject-verb agreement can be a daunting task for many 4th graders. However, with appropriate examples and practice, students can master this crucial aspect of grammar. In this article, we will provide examples of subject-verb agreement to help 4th graders understand this concept better.

Examples of Subject-Verb Agreement in 4th Grade:

1. Singular subject + Singular verb

Example: The girl dances beautifully.

In this sentence, the subject is “girl,” which is singular. The verb is “dances,” which is also singular, and they agree with each other.

2. Plural subject + Plural verb

Example: The boys play soccer every evening.

“Boys” is a plural subject, and “play” is a plural verb, and they agree with each other.

3. Singular subject + Singular verb + Singular helping verb

Example: She is playing the piano.

In this sentence, “she” is the singular subject. “Is” is a singular helping verb, and “playing” is the main verb. They agree with each other.

4. Plural subject + Plural verb + Plural helping verb

Example: They are learning French in school.

In this sentence, “they” is the plural subject. “Are” is a plural helping verb, and “learning” is the main verb. They agree with each other.

5. Indefinite pronouns with singular verbs

Example: Everyone loves ice cream.

In this sentence, “everyone” is an indefinite pronoun which means that it refers to one person. Therefore, the verb “loves” is singular, to agree with the indefinite pronoun “everyone.”

6. Compound subject with singular verb

Example: The dog and the cat sleeps on the couch.

In this sentence, “dog” and “cat” are the compound subjects. However, both “dog” and “cat” are singular. Therefore, the verb “sleeps” agrees with the subject.

7. Compound subject with plural verb

Example: The apples and oranges are ripe.

In this sentence, “apples” and “oranges” are the compound subjects. Both “apples” and “oranges” are plural, so the verb “are” is also plural, to agree with the compound subject.


Subject-verb agreement is a crucial concept in English grammar that 4th graders need to understand. By providing them with appropriate examples, students can master this aspect of grammar. These examples of subject-verb agreement for 4th graders will help them learn the correct subject-verb agreement rules easily. With practice and guidance, 4th graders can become experts in subject-verb agreement.

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