No Hire Agreements California

No Hire Agreements in California: Understanding the Law

In recent years, no hire agreements have become increasingly common in the workplace. These agreements are typically put in place to prevent employees from leaving and then working for a competitor. However, there are regulations around these agreements, and in California, they are actually illegal in many circumstances.

What is a No Hire Agreement?

A no hire agreement is a legal agreement between two companies that prevents one company from hiring employees of the other company. The purpose of this agreement is to prevent the loss of valuable employees to competitors. These agreements can be beneficial for companies that are heavily reliant on skilled employees, as they can prevent the loss of important talent.

However, no hire agreements can also be seen as anti-competitive and can limit the job opportunities available to workers.

Why are No Hire Agreements Illegal in California?

The state of California has a unique stance on no hire agreements. In California, no hire agreements are illegal under Business and Professions Code section 16600, which states that “every contract by which anyone is restrained from engaging in a lawful profession, trade, or business of any kind is to that extent void.”

This means that any agreement that restricts an individual’s ability to work in their chosen field is considered void and unenforceable. This includes agreements that prevent employees from working for a competitor.

Exceptions to the Rule

There are some exceptions to the rule when it comes to no hire agreements in California. For example, agreements that are part of the sale of a business may be allowed if they are necessary to protect the buyer’s investment. Similarly, agreements between companies to protect trade secrets or other intellectual property may also be permitted.

However, these exceptions are limited and must meet very specific criteria. In most cases, no hire agreements are considered to be illegal and unenforceable under California law.

The Importance of Compliance

It is important for companies to understand the law regarding no hire agreements in California. Violating this law can result in legal action and financial penalties.

In addition to being illegal, no hire agreements can also have a negative impact on employee morale and job satisfaction. Employees may feel trapped in their current position and unable to pursue other opportunities, leading to a decrease in job satisfaction and potential turnover.


While no hire agreements may be beneficial for some companies, they are generally illegal in California. It is important for companies to understand the law and to avoid entering into agreements that violate it. Additionally, companies may want to consider other ways to retain employees, such as offering competitive salaries and benefits packages and creating a positive work environment.

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